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Orcutt Academy High School

Home of the Spartans!


OAHS Athletic Boosters Club

Supporting OAHS Athletic Programs through advocacy, financing, and volunteering

Join the Boosters!

(805) 398-8550

OAHS Boosters on Instagram


What we do

  • Raise money to fund various sports related expenses
  • Meet monthly to discuss the best ways we can support Orcutt Academy High School Athletic Programs
  • Sponsor one dinner/auction fundraiser annually in the Fall
  • Provide scholarships annually to eligible senior student athletes whose parents are booster members

What we have done

  • Raised nearly $500,000 since established in 2008
  • Provided start-up funding for baseball, softball, and football
  • Provided funding for an athletic trainer, sports equipment, varsity letters and awards, sponsorship and grants, uniforms, facility use and college scholarships
  • Purchased an ice machine for the athletic trainer
  • Expanded weight room and purchased additional equipment
  • Purchased a 2011 Ford van to transport student athletes
  • Purchased two trophy cases for all sport awards

What you can do

Join the Boosters!  Be a part the promising future of athletics in our first years in the Central Coast Athletic Association.


Help our athletes and join today!