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Orcutt Academy High School

Home of the Spartans!

OAHS Virtual Learning Academy

Orcutt Academy Spartan Logo

Spartans learning from home

Be a part of the school you love from a distance with innovative online courseware and access to the same highly qualified staff.


Flexible learning from home, distinguished programs and supports, amazing sports and extracurricular programs, exceptional counseling support, trusted college-career readiness pathway, tight-knit community.


Only through the OAHS Virtual Learning Academy.





Student doing online work

Edgenuity. Innovative online courseware. Edgenuity Courseware enables you to take ownership over your learning.

Courseware curriculum grounded in research, aligned to state standards, national standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and UC/CSU “a-g”. Direct-instruction videos featuring expert, on-screen teachers with rigorous assignments, performance tasks, and assessments engage students and ensure subject-area mastery.

Learn more about Edgenuity and view the OAHS Virtual Learning Academy course offerings.


Support with ease.

OAHS Virtual Learning Academy was designed with your success in mind.

Tutoring and support sessions with core content teachers, one-on-one check-ins with your advisor, weekly live lessons with your peers, and access to our dedicated counseling staff. OAHS Virtual Learning Academy offers a high challenge with high levels of support.



Girls volleyball team

Stay connected.

Cheer competitors, football phenoms, basketball ballers, robotics resolutes, esport extraordinaires and more. All learners in OAHS Virtual Learning Academy will still have access to all CIF sports, clubs, school extracurriculars and campus life events. 

With the OAHS Virtual Learning Academy Hybrid Program you can stay even more connected to campus life. Theatre, Digital Arts, Band, Computer Science, Calculus, Environmental Science and much more. Enjoy the classes you love and the ones you’re going to love, in-person¹.

Learn more about in-person classes and view our full list of courses in the OAHS Course Guide.

Which option is right for you?



The ultimate at-home learning experience
All classes taken virtually on Edgenuity
Fully flexible schedule*
Weekly live lesson with peers (Virtual)
Bi-weekly meeting with advisor
Tutoring and support sessions with core content teachers available daily² 
Counseling support available by appointment (Zoom or in-person)
Access to all CIF sports, clubs, school extracurriculars and campus life events³


The best of both worlds.
 Virtual classes on Edgenuity with up to 2 classes in person¹
Flexible schedule with daily seat time in-person at OAHS
Weekly live lesson with peers (Virtual)
Bi-weekly meeting with advisor
Tutoring and support sessions with core content teachers available daily²
Counseling support available by appointment (Zoom or in-person)
Access to all CIF sports, clubs, school extracurriculars and campus life events³

All in-person classes are subject to seat availability. Students who attend full-time in-person at OAHS have priority over students in OAHS Virtual Learning Academy Hybrid Program.

Core content areas include math, English, history/social studies, science, and Spanish. General support sessions are available before and after school. Core content support is available by appointment and may be subject to availability.

Student athletes must meet eligibility requirements of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) and OAHS Spartan Code of Conduct to participate in CIF Sports. See section on CIF Eligibility in the OAHS Handbook.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Success in the OAHS Virtual Learning Academy requires a solid partnership and commitment between teacher, parent, and student. We believe students with the following qualities will have greater success in the program:

    • Highly motivated
    • Works independently
    • Desires to develop new skills
    • Organized
    • Manages time wisely
    • Ability to communicate
    • Ability to self-advocate
  • Yes, enrolling in the Virtual Learning Academy program through the Orcutt Academy Charter High School is the legal equivalent to public school.

  • Participation in the program is a year-long commitment, however, transfers back into in-person instruction may be accepted once a parent-educator conference is held to determine placement.

  • Yes. Sample daily schedules are available on the school website. Exact times will be shared by your advisor once enrolled.

  • In order to support academic integrity, all students take their tests and exams on campus.  Exact testing times will be shared by your advisor once enrolled.

  • Click below to start your application.

    Apply Today

  • The school year follows the same OUSD district calendar.

  • The OAHS Virtual Learning Academy follows an independent study model. Courseware is self-paced on Edgenuity and additional support is available daily. Virtual Learning Academy advisors are responsible for meeting with students one on one bi-weekly (every other week), monitoring student progress in assigned courses, and providing additional support as necessary.

  • OAHS Virtual Learning Academy offers a variety of supports for students. General tutoring is available before and after school at scheduled times. Support sessions with core content teachers are available daily by appointment. You will have one-on-one check-ins with your advisor every other week. You will have weekly live lessons with your peers. Additionally, you have access to our dedicated counseling staff to make an appointment in-person or via Zoom. 

  • Yes, as necessary. Edgenuity will be our online courseware provider and all instructional materials are provided digitally. Other materials, such as novels may be made available at request. Chromebooks will be provided to all students at no cost as well.

  • If a student begins struggling while participating in the program, a meeting will be scheduled with the advisor, student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and an administrator or admin designee. As a team, a determination will be made regarding next steps which could include the potential return to in-person instruction.

    For students who have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), an IEP team meeting will be held prior to enrollment in the program to determine appropriateness as an educational option and outline any support services provided.

  • If you decide the Virtual Learning Academy is not for you and were a student enrolled in OAHS through the lottery, your seat will be retained at the high school for the academic year; however, we cannot guarantee that you will maintain the same class schedule.

    If your student was not previously enrolled as a full-time student, your student must notify our registrar through email requesting a seat at which time they will be added to the waitlist. Students who were not previously seated as a full-time student will not be admitted over students on the current waitlist. In the instance there is no room in person at the high school, you may opt to return to your student’s home school of residence.

  • Please contact Josh Ostini, Vice Principal of Orcutt Academy High School, at or (805) 938-8550.

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